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Wednesday 11 October 2023

Etan Patz: The missing child who changed America

On May 25, 1979, six-year-old Etan Patz left his apartment in SoHo, New York City, to walk to school by himself. It was the first time he had been allowed to walk alone. He never made it to school.

Etan's disappearance was one of the first cases to capture national attention, and it helped to change the way America thinks about missing children. Before Etan, missing children were often seen as runaways or victims of parental neglect. But Etan's case showed that even the most innocent children could be abducted.

In the days and weeks after Etan's disappearance, police searched tirelessly for him. They interviewed neighbors, searched buildings, and even drained the Hudson River. But they found no trace of Etan.

Etan's parents, Stan and Julie Patz, refused to give up hope. They founded the Etan Patz Center for Missing and Exploited Children, which has helped to find thousands of missing children over the years.

The case remained a mystery until in 2012, a man called a hotline and told police he believed his brother-in-law, a then-teenaged deli worker named Pedro Hernandez, was responsible. Hernandez confessed to the crime in 2015, saying he strangled the boy to death in the basement of the deli after luring him with the promise of a soda. In his 50s, Hernandez was sentenced to 25 years to life.

Saturday 7 October 2023

JonBenét Ramsey: A case that remain unsolved


JonBenét Ramsey was a six-year-old child beauty pageant contestant who was found murdered in her home in Boulder, Colorado on December 26, 1996. Her death sparked a national media frenzy and remains one of the most high-profile unsolved murders in American history.

On the morning of December 26, JonBenét's mother, Patsy Ramsey, found a ransom note demanding $118,000 for her daughter's safe return. John and Patsy Ramsey called the police, but JonBenét's body was found later that day in the basement of the house. She had been beaten and strangled.

The Boulder Police Department initially focused their investigation on the Ramseys, but they were never charged with a crime. In 2002, a grand jury indicted John Ramsey on charges of first-degree murder, child abuse resulting in death, and being an accessory to a crime, but the charges were dismissed by the district attorney due to insufficient evidence.

The JonBenét Ramsey case has been the subject of much speculation and debate over the years. Some people believe that her parents were responsible for her death, while others believe that she was killed by an intruder. The case has also been the subject of numerous documentaries, books, and television shows.

Theories about who killed JonBenét Ramsey

There are two main theories about who killed JonBenét Ramsey:

  • The intruder theory: This theory posits that JonBenét was killed by an intruder who entered the Ramsey home. Proponents of this theory point to the ransom note, the lack of forced entry, and the fact that JonBenét's fingerprints were not found on the murder weapon as evidence that an intruder was responsible.
  • The family theory: This theory posits that JonBenét was killed by a member of her family. Proponents of this theory point to the fact that JonBenét's body was found in the basement of her home, that she was wearing a blanket from the Ramsey home, and that her fingerprints were found on the ransom note as evidence that a family member was responsible.

The current status of the case

The JonBenét Ramsey case remains unsolved. In 2019, the Boulder Police Department announced that they were reopening the case and that they had new DNA evidence. However, no further information has been released about the case since then.


The murder of JonBenét Ramsey is one of the most tragic and puzzling unsolved murders in American history. It is a case that continues to fascinate and haunt people to this day.

Friday 6 October 2023

The Mary Celeste: The Ghost Ship That Still Haunts Our Imagination

The Mary Celeste is a brigantine merchant ship that was found adrift and deserted in the Atlantic Ocean on December 5, 1872. The ship was in seaworthy condition and had six months' worth of food and water on board. The crew's personal belongings were also still on board, indicating that they had left the ship in a hurry.

The fate of the Mary Celeste and her crew remains a mystery to this day. There are many theories about what happened, but none of them have been definitively proven. Some theories include:

  • Mutiny: The crew mutinied against the captain and then abandoned ship.
  • Piracy: The crew was attacked and killed by pirates.
  • Supernatural: The ship was haunted by a ghost or some other supernatural force.

The Mary Celeste has become one of the most famous ghost ships in the world. Her story has been told in books, movies, and television shows. The ship has also been the subject of numerous investigations and paranormal research.

In my imagination, I believe that the Mary Celeste was cursed. The curse was placed on the ship by a vengeful spirit. The spirit was angry at the crew for something they had done, and it wanted to punish them.

The curse caused the crew to hallucinate and see things that weren't there. The crew became terrified and abandoned ship. The spirit was then able to take control of the ship and sail it away.

The Mary Celeste is still sailing the seas today, cursed and abandoned. She is a warning to all who sail the seas: be careful what you do, for you may never escape the consequences.

The Mary Celeste is a reminder that there are still many things in the world that we do not understand. There are still mysteries that have not been solved. The Mary Celeste is one of those mysteries. She is a ghost ship that continues to haunt our imaginations.

Thursday 5 October 2023

Voynich Manuscript: The World's Most Mysterious Book


The Voynich Manuscript is a mysterious book that has baffled scholars for centuries. It is written in an unknown language and script, and its illustrations are strange and unsettling. The manuscript is thought to have been written in the 15th century, but its origins and purpose are unknown.

One of the most intriguing things about the Voynich Manuscript is its illustrations. The illustrations are divided into four sections: herbal, astrological, balneological (relating to baths), and pharmacological. The herbal section contains illustrations of plants that have never been seen before. The astrological section contains diagrams of the stars and planets that are unlike any known astronomical charts. The balneological section contains illustrations of people bathing in strange and elaborate tubs. The pharmacological section contains illustrations of herbs and potions that are unlike any known medical treatments.

The Voynich Manuscript has been the subject of much speculation and debate. Some scholars believe that it is a hoax, while others believe that it is a genuine work of science or magic. There have been many attempts to decipher the language of the manuscript, but none have been successful.

In my imagination, I believe that the Voynich Manuscript is a book of alien knowledge. It was written by an alien race that visited Earth centuries ago. The book contains information about the aliens' technology, their science, and their culture. The illustrations are depictions of alien plants, animals, and landscapes.

I believe that the Voynich Manuscript is a very important book. It could contain the key to understanding our place in the universe and our relationship with other intelligent life forms. I hope that one day the manuscript will be deciphered and its secrets will be revealed to the world.

Here are some additional thoughts on the Voynich Manuscript:

* Perhaps the manuscript is written in a language that has been lost to time.

* Perhaps the manuscript is written in a code that has not yet been cracked.

* Perhaps the manuscript is written in a language that is not human.

* Perhaps the manuscript is not a book at all, but something else entirely.

Whatever the Voynich Manuscript may be, it is a fascinating and mysterious object. It is a reminder that there is still much that we do not know about the world around us.

Etan Patz: The missing child who changed America

On May 25, 1979, six-year-old Etan Patz left his apartment in SoHo, New York City, to walk to school by himself. It was the first time he ha...